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5° Encuentro Nacional de Economía Social y Solidaria. 

El V Encuentro Nacional de Economía Social y Solidaria, convocado por la Confederación General de Cooperativas de Chile (CONFECOOP), en asociación con CORFO y el apoyo de Oriencoop y Sermecoop; se ejecutó en conjunto con el Encuentro Regional de Emprendimientos Cooperativos, orientado a la articulación, visibilidad e intercambio entre cooperativas y emprendimientos sociales de la Región Metropolitana. Pueblos del Sur - Fair Trade, participó moderando el taller : Emprendiendo en el Comercio Justo.


PUEBLOS DEL SUR - FAIR TRADE, Celebrated the day of fair trade, teaching children and young people what it is and how it helps the poorest producers. All this was done at the "Here Hay" handicraft fair organized by the Chilean Crafts Foundation.

Fair Trade talks to producers in Ohiggins Province - Chile.

​Patricio Farias Delva, Director of Pueblos del Sur - Fair Trade, explaining fair trade in Chile and the World to agricultural and artisan producers in the sixth region of Chile. Meeting organized by the central university and the regional government.

"FAIR 2016 - Fair Trade Cooperation for Sustainable Consumption", GERMANY

We are delighted to inform you that you (Pueblos del Fur Fair Trade) have been selected as participant of the - "FAIR 2016 - Fair Trade Cooperation for Sustainable Consumption".

On behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH we hereby invite you to a visit to Germany from 27 August to 4 September 2016. The journey includes a delegation tour with visits of German fair trade and upcycling institutions / companies and the participation as exhibitor in the trade fair special exhibition “Global Sustainable Community“ within the trade fair „FAIR FRIENDS“, taking place 1 September to 3 September 2016 in Dortmund, Germany.

The project is organized by GIZ and is supported by the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

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Fair Trade Day 2017

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